Rex Bionics has worked closely with physical therapists to develop upper and lower limb exercises. REXERCISES are a combination of static positions and dynamic patterns.

Overhead Balloon Trunk Balance Activity

Overhead Balloon Trunk Balance Activity

Clinician assists manual stability and posture setting

REX® in Wide Based Squat

Trunk Stabilization with Outstretched Upper Extremity with Ball

Trunk Stabilization with Outstretched Upper Extremity with Ball

Clinician assists with trunk stability or provides neuro re-education

REX in Narrow Based Squat

Overhead Balloon Trunk Balance Activity

Overhead Boxing to Improve Cardiac Function

Clinician monitors for signs and symptoms of cardiac compromise

REX in Wide Based Squat

Wall-pulleys Resisted Trunk Rotation with Bilateral Arms Cross Midline

Wall-pulleys Resisted Trunk Rotation with Bilateral Arms Cross Midline

Clinician demonstrates proper form and muscle activation

REX in Right Forward Lunge

Trunk Strengthening Exercise with Hand-weights

Trunk Strengthening Exercise with Hand-weights

Clinician assists trunk stability or gives cues for proper alignment

REX in Abducted Stance

Skateboard-Assisted Forward Reach with Opposite Arm Stabilization

Skateboard-Assisted Forward Reach with Opposite Arm Stabilization

Clinician analyzes movement and alignment or provides neuro re-education techniques

REX in Left Forward Lunge

Wall-pulleys with resisted shoulder retraction / adduction for scapular setting

Wall-pulleys with Resisted Shoulder Retraction / Adduction for Scapular Setting

Clinician provides sensory and verbal feedback to encourage muscle recruitment

REX in Narrow Stance

Thera-tubing Resisted Upper Extremity Exercise

Thera-tubing Resisted Upper Extremity Exercise

Clinician provides neuro reeducation or manual assistance

REX in Right Lateral Lunge

Upper Extremity Strengthening with Hand-weights

Upper Extremity Strengthening with Hand-weights

Clinician assesses and corrects posture

REX in Right Forward Lunge

FLEXIBLE – REXERCISES give clinicians the freedom to progress and modify tailored exercise programmes easily and quickly to address all aspects of Strength, Flexibility, Balance and Endurance.

SPECIFIC – REXERCISES enable clinicians to target specific deficits in a repeatable and accurate manner while reducing the burden on the therapist.

FUNCTIONAL – REXERCISES provide the stability, flexibility and specificity to enable the therapist to work across a wide spectrum of differing levels of function, to improve specific components of a user’s function – both in the upper and lower limbs.

REPEATABLE – REXERCISES can be consistently and accurately reproduced to achieve the high level of intensity required for functional gains, while significantly reducing the strain on the therapist.

STABLE – REXERCISES allow clinicians to focus on quality of movement and treatment rather than supporting the user.


“Standing, while completing exercises and strengthening in a stand-alone robotic exercise device offers a range of interesting rehabilitation opportunities.”

Gilly Davy, Senior Neurological Physiotherapist and Clinical Director of Connect Neuro Physiotherapy, Auckland, New Zealand

“I use REX in my rehabilitation centres because it can take the user through a range of active assisted movements and can be used as part of a rehabilitation programme for patients with spinal cord injury and hemiplegia arising from stroke or a traumatic brain injury”

Jon Graham, CEO PhysioFunction, Expert Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Technology Witness, United Kingdom

If you would like to find out more or have further questions please get in touch: